Phebe Taylor
Linda Rittelmann
Kristen Fisher
Current Patrons
Mary-Katharine Huebener
Lindsay Crowder
William Rittelmann
Elizabeth Painter
Heidi Lasher
Ben Clary
Sean Anderson
Laurie Frazier
Denise Lee
Christine McGarrah
Here's the scoop:
I've spent most of my life thinking I wanted to write a book (and I still do). However, the world of literary magazines, writing fellowships, agents, publishing houses, workshops, editors, and MFAs is narrow and slim and ultimately means so much of what I work on never gets shared with YOU as I cling to a dream of a thick hardback of lovely essays currently saved on a private computer for some wayward publisher who quite frankly may never arrive.
I love telling stories and want to share as many as I can with you without waiting for the right editor to discover my work, convince a publisher it's marketable, and then jam those stories into the mold they've cut for me based on broad consumer interest.
Patreon will help me skip the middleman, so to speak. If you've read my work, listened to a story, or watched a video and felt a glimpse of that "third thing" that makes life worth living, adventures worth taking, and stories worth telling, I'd be over the moon to have your financial support.
It's my hope and great belief that I will be able to treat storytelling as a full time job someday in the not-too-distant future. In the meantime, your support of a couple dollars a month will help me pay off student loans and buoy my spirit as I continue to create content available to all, no stuffy publishing house required.